Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)
    NOTE: There will NOT be a milonga on Saturday 10th August 2024 & Saturday 17th August 2024.

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Dec 23, 2021

Milonga 26th December 8.30pm

Hey hey yes we do have a milonga in these rather difficult times and probably this will be the last one for a while because of the covid restrictions.

Our DJ is Angelo well loved for his music and his dances.

Bar available. Entrance is 5 euro entrance.

Yes do bring your masks and if possible try and stay with your partners.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and  Happy New Year 

Dec 9, 2021

Milonga 11th December DJ Aksel

 hey hey or ho ho milonga on Saturday night 9pm with DJ Aksel

I am afraid we will have to be in masks.

Bar open

Entrance 5 euro

for more info contact 79287755

Nov 2, 2021

6th November Milonga

Hey hey, Dj Dominic this time. He is not to be missed.

Milonga starting at 9 pm 

Bar available

Entrance 5 euro.

Wear masks if you wish and you may circulate in bubbles of 8 people or less.

Please do not forget to write your names and telephone at the door 

Oct 30, 2021


 Ocho workshop this Sunday 31st Oct 6pm - 8pm

Different ochos for different musicality. From scratch up to a very controlled form.You can work at your own level. 15 euro per person..let me know please.

Oct 22, 2021

Milonga 23rd October with Dj Angelo

 Special milonga this Saturday Salvatore will be cooking some Argentine Empanadas. He may have a few extra but better to contact him directly As soon as you can.

Our DJ is Angelo

So it all so good. could not go wrong :)

You can cluster in groups of 8 if you are vaccinated, if not please stick to your partners.

Entrance is 5 euro per person

So i see you at 9pm till midnight :) or perhaps a bit more :)

Oct 11, 2021


 Oh yes we all have a lot of rust to shed.

Let s meet up and practice and share experiences this Thursday 14th at Numero dos 7.30pm - 10.30pm

Everyone is welcome.

There will be a self service fridge and if you would like wine it will be by the bottle.

You may put on any music that you would like to listen to, anything goes :)

3 euro entrance per person

This event is with booking please let me know.

Oct 9, 2021

Milonga 9th October 2021

 Back again :)

Again clusters of 6 are allowed. Of course you may be less.

Saturday 9th at 9 pm with DJ Nathanael

Bar service semi self service available Entrance 5 euro

More info 356 79287755

Sep 22, 2021

Milonga 25th September 2021

 Everyone is welcome to this milonga. We will sort out clusters that would like to dance together when you get there.

Dj Aksel

Fee 5 euro entrance please

See ya :)

Nathalie 79287755

Sep 11, 2021

Milonga 11th September with DJ DOMINIC

Who does not like dancing to Dominic s music ??

Tonight 11th Sept at Numero Dos 9 pm till midnight.

Bar available.

Please come in couples.

Entrance 5 euro

See ya 

Aug 28, 2021

Milonga 28th August

Yes we hold another milonga at Numero Dos this evening. What fun!!

I see you at 9pm

I will be Djing today and doing a few other things too.

Bar will be open.

Entrance 5 euro per person

Aug 7, 2021

Jul 25, 2021

Milonga 1st August

 With dj Claudia. Welcome back Claudia we have not seen her for a while and she comes back with a bang:)

We start at 9pm till Midnight

Bar is available.

Entrance fee is 5 euro per person

26th July beginners course

 On the 26th July I am starting a beginners course, some fun Summer classes

7.30pm at Numero Dos, Triq il Mastrudaxxa, Mosta.

Best to come with your partner BUT if you are alone you must tell me from before so I can find you one.

The first class is free if you buy a bulk of lessons. If you only take one class is it 12 euro.

You have a choice of 5 classes 60 euro or 10 classes 100 euro.

If you need me you may call me 79287755

Jul 15, 2021

Mionga Saturday 17th July

 Yes yes we are having a milonga .Saturday 9 pm till 12 mid night

With DJ Aksel

Bring your partner please. Numbers are high again and we do not want to spread germs.

Bar will be open 

Entrance fee is 5 euro per person.

See you soon :)

Jun 29, 2021

Milonga 3rd July


We will meet for our milonga 3rd July 9 pm till 12 midnight.

@ Numero dos, Triq il -Mastrudaxxa, Mosta

Dj Nathanael

Come with your dance partners and please stick to your partner, it is the law.

Observe covid rules of distancing.

Semi self service bar will be available for singles too.

Entrance fee is 5 euro per person.

If you are lost phone here 356 79287755

Jun 5, 2021

Milonga 5th June 2021

All you couples this milonga is for you mostly. We do have a large space and can host a lot . All those that are not in a couple may attend too but there will not be exchanges, sorry about that. It is the law.

I see you at 9 pm, our little half self service drinks corner will be open

Looking forward :)