Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)
    NOTE: There will NOT be a milonga on Saturday 10th August 2024 & Saturday 17th August 2024.

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Oct 29, 2015

Beginners course starting 10th Novemeber

Primeros Pasos
First steps in Tango
Starting 10th Nobember at Numero Dos, Mosta
Every Tuesday at 7.30pm till 9pm for 6 times
Fee is 60 euros per person for the whole course
You may apply without a partner
Wear what you would wear mid week
The ideal shoes would be soft and round toes for men ( gym shoes are ok)
Ladies, your ideal shoes would have a small heel, rounded toes, and a slippery sole, but in reality anything would do for the first few lessons.
Drop me a note if you intend to attend

Milonga Saturday 31st October

Milonga this Saturday has hints of Halloween
Dress up as creatures of the night..tangueros/as outfits are also acceptable :)
We will play the music of the devil, a hot tanda from Biagi
Witches brew available to drink and pumpkin to nibble
Milonga fee is 4 euros pls to be settled at the bar
See you all

Oct 23, 2015

24 th October Milonga

Milongas Saturday night at Numero Dos
We meet at 9 pm till approx 12.30
Drinks and food available
Fee 4 euros to be settled at the bar please

Oct 19, 2015

26th October FREE assisted practica

Intermedios class with partner at 7.30pm
And at 9pm there will be a practica open for all levels and students and non students may attend for FREE. 1st hour will be assisted

Change in class schedule this week. Intermedios 21st Oct

Due to Eric s workshop on Monday the Intermedios is being moved to Wed 21st only for this week.
You must come with Partner
At 9pm there will be a Tecnica class. You may attend solo. This is for all levels

19th October Erics workshop and milonguita

Yesss we dance again today.
7.30pm registration,
8pm to 9pm Eric Jeuressen will be giving a workshop
9pm till 12.00 Milonguita with DJ El Maltes
Milonguita fee 3 euros pls to be settled at the bar
Driinks and Med Peppers if you get hungry are available today
See you tonight

Oct 17, 2015

Milonga 17th October and Eric's workshop

Special night tonight
Starting off with a workshop by Eric for the more experienced dancers at 8pm. Organized by Isla del Tango
You have to be there at 7.30pm for registration.
Milonga starts at 9pm
DJ La Manna
Fee of 4 euros to be paid at the bar pls.
AGbejna Friska Platter (fresh local cheese)if you get hungry.
Also a white wine fruit punch (lightly alcoholic), and some other basic drinks
See you soon

Oct 10, 2015

Saturday 17 th October double date

We have workshops with Eric on Saturday 17 th plus MILONGA
And a milongita on the 19th October

Milonga 10 th October

Lets dance tonight. Milonga starts at 9 pm
Dj Nathalie
Fee 4 euros to be titled at the bar please.
Food and drinks are available to buy.
(Cheese and onion tart on the menu today)

Oct 5, 2015


Practica every other week on Monday after Iintermedios class. Starting today.
Free of charge and open for everyone
I will assist for the first 1hr 9.15pm to 10.15pm, after that it is up to you to keep going.
Bar will mostly run on a self service basis

Oct 3, 2015

Workshops with Eric at Numero Dos 17th October

Coming up very soon we have an exciting event at Numero Dos
Workshops with Eric Jeurressen
Check out the details here

Beginners 6th October

I will close an eye for those that for some reason did not manage to come to the beginners course Primeros Pasos last Tuesday 29th. They may still attend this coming Tuesday 6th October. It will be a bit harder but you will manage. However if you do not manage to join by the 6th October you will have to join the course after that then. It will start on the 10th November.


We dance tonight like there isn't a tomorrow.
Milonga starts at 9pm. - 12.30am.
Bar and snacks available.
Fee 4 euros to be settled at the bar pls.
See you all