Nathalie's tango scene
Nathalie Mifsud
| nathalie@tangomalta.org
| +35679287755
VENUE: Numero Dos, Triq il-Mastrudaxxa, MOSTA (Qasam Industrijali)
VENUE: Numero Dos, Triq il-Mastrudaxxa, MOSTA (Qasam Industrijali)
- 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.
- 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios
- 7.30pm: Primeros Pasos – Tango for complete beginners.
- 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)
Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group
private lessons
of all levels, and for
wedding dance preparation.
Write to nathalie@tangomalta.org or phone on 79287755.
Aug 28, 2009
1st September 2009: Milonga Tango Porteno

Aug 26, 2009
Principiantes Private Group
Although you are doing well, it is quite normal to feel rather shaky after doing the Principiantes only once, and most people need to steady themselves more before they continue.
For this reason, along side with your creativo I was considering to do group private classes to repeat Principiantes elements, on 3 consecutive Mondays the 14th ,21st, 28th Sept at the cost of 15 euros per person for the 3 classes.
You would need to apply in couples.
Those of you interested in this please let me know. Venue is at my house, 69, St.Paul's Str. Rabat. Time will be announce later. All this depends on your response. e mail to nathalie@tangomalta.org
Aug 23, 2009
Intermedios September Cycle
After a month's break from intermediate lessons, we are back with two groups available both supported by MUSC & Gehwol with the following details:
D'Arienzo Group:
Important Note: If there are elements of Principiantes that you feel you have not yet mastered, we recommend that you re-take those sessions at half price (check out with Nathalie for details). Elements from Principiantes (such as giro and ocho cortado) will be used extensively and obviously we will be assuming that you are fluent in their use, and we will not be re-explaining those elements.
Sorry, we are not able to refund missed classes. We also do not guarantee balance in any of the classes. However we will do our best to ensure that if there is a gap in leaders and followers, this is a manageable one.
Please email back to confirm your attendance. If you need any further clarification let us know.
D'Arienzo Group:
Wed 9th Sept 9pm (Location: University Common Room, Msida)
Wed 16th Sept 9pm (Location: University Common Room, Msida)
Wed 30th Sept 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Wed 7th Oct 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Wed 16th Sept 9pm (Location: University Common Room, Msida)
Wed 30th Sept 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Wed 7th Oct 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Piazolla Group:
Thurs 10th Sept 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Thurs 17th Sept 9pm (Location: University Common Room, Msida)
Thurs 1st Oct 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Thurs 8th Oct 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Thurs 17th Sept 9pm (Location: University Common Room, Msida)
Thurs 1st Oct 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Thurs 8th Oct 9pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Information for both groups
Who may apply: Those who have recently been dancing on a regular basis AND have done Principiantes at least once, those who have been taking previous intermediate sessions or have done the equivalent in private sessions (if you are not sure if you are of the level to take the course you can ask us, and we will guide you accordingly).
For one group: 30 Euros for the 4 sessions
If you would like to attend both groups: 45 Euros for the 8 sessions (note: the two groups will be covering exactly the same material, however those of you who wish to be more confident with the elements that we cover, you might find it useful to actually attend both groups - this of course is entirely up to you and not necessary)
How to apply:
* Send us an email indicating your 1st preference group (Di Sarli/Gardel), but let us know if you can make it for all the dates in both groups.
* Tell us if you want to attend both groups.
* Please apply in pairs and in your email indicate who your partner is.
* Bookings will be confirmed via email.
Important Note: If there are elements of Principiantes that you feel you have not yet mastered, we recommend that you re-take those sessions at half price (check out with Nathalie for details). Elements from Principiantes (such as giro and ocho cortado) will be used extensively and obviously we will be assuming that you are fluent in their use, and we will not be re-explaining those elements.
Sorry, we are not able to refund missed classes. We also do not guarantee balance in any of the classes. However we will do our best to ensure that if there is a gap in leaders and followers, this is a manageable one.
Tango Creativo September 2009
(This is the course you take after Principiantes. May be taken alone or in conjunction with other courses.)
If you feel you need to increase your alertness in the dance, or you would like to trigger your creativity and become more fluent, then this is the course for you.
Thurs 10th Sept at 7.30pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Thurs 17th Sept at 7.30pm (Location: University Common Room)
* Wed 23rd Sept at 7.30pm (Location: University Common Room)
Thurs 1st Oct at 7.30pm (Location: 147, Eurcharistic Congress Road, Mosta)
Price: 40 euros
People wishing to repeat the course 20euros
Please book at your earliest convenience and in pairs in the best interest of everybody. You can book by email to Nathalie@tangomalta.org (Please send the email now, and Nathalie will answer next week).
5th September 2009: Practica Asistida
Following the success of the past Practicas, Nathalie is hosting another one with plenty of space, air con., a variety of music, and a relaxed environment. Come and experiment, discuss and let loose etc.
Date: Saturday 5th September
Time: 6.30pm to 9.30pm (we just might drag on a little longer ;) )
Place: University common room
Price: 3 euros (please put them in the purse by the door)
Open to all levels
During the practica Nathalie will be practicing too. Do interrupt and ask for assistance, but please note that this is not a substitute for missed classes.
Date: Saturday 5th September
Time: 6.30pm to 9.30pm (we just might drag on a little longer ;) )
Place: University common room
Price: 3 euros (please put them in the purse by the door)
Open to all levels
During the practica Nathalie will be practicing too. Do interrupt and ask for assistance, but please note that this is not a substitute for missed classes.
Aug 17, 2009
22nd August 2009: Practica Asistida
Nathalie is holding yet an other Practica Asistida (assisted practice) on Saturday 22nd Aug (just after the Followers' workshop) from 8.30pm till 11.00pm.
The practica is open for all levels. Come practice, experiment, discuss, make mistakes, let loose etc. ... no booking needed.
Price is 3 euros. Please leave fee in the purse by the door. The practica is free for followers taking the workshop on the day.
Nathalie will be practicing too but please do approach her and ask for assistance.
The practica is open for all levels. Come practice, experiment, discuss, make mistakes, let loose etc. ... no booking needed.
Price is 3 euros. Please leave fee in the purse by the door. The practica is free for followers taking the workshop on the day.
Nathalie will be practicing too but please do approach her and ask for assistance.
Aug 12, 2009
Primeros Pasos September 2009
Tango Argentino Primeros Pasos
(course for complete beginners)
(course for complete beginners)
Organized by TangoMalta & MUSC, taught by Nathalie Mifsud
Argentine tango is a beautiful dance and it has attracted the attention of most major cities in the world. Even here in Malta we have a group of tango enthusiasts who are only too happy to pass on their knowledge of this addictive dance.Place - University Common Room
Wednesday 9th September 2009 at 19.30
Wednesday 16th September 2009 at 19.30
Wednesday 23rd September 2009 at 19.30
Wednesday 30th September 2009 at 19.30
Lessons are 1:30hrs long.
Apart from these lessons, we also meet every week for our regular Milonga. I will hold a 1 hour practica before the milonga around the time of your last lesson so that you can come and practice what you have learnt.
40 Euros per person
30 Euros for full-time students & senior citizens.
20 Euros for those that would like to repeat the course.
Please confirm your attendance by reply email to nathalie@tangomalta.org stating your full name and mobile number (in case we need to contact you urgently). I will be out of office for the last week of August.
Dress - What you want, normally, smart, casual.
Shoes - Followers are advised to wear well supported shoes, no flip flops. Leaders are advised against wearing long pointed shoes. Gym shoes are fine.
Dance partner No need for a fixed partner, but applying in couples makes life a little easier.
IMPORTANT: Payment can be effected on the first lesson. Please arrive a little earlier. NO refunds will be issued for missed classes. We make our utmost to maintain a leader-follower balance, therefore we must be informed of your intentions as early as possible to make the necessary arrangements. However we are not to be held responsible for any unbalance.
Gift Vouchers: Please remember that you can always give a Tango course as a gift to a loved one or a dear friend.
If you need further information and/or booking contact me on nathalie@tangomalta.org, or call 79287755 or 21456408. Private classes are also possible if you cannot attend the course.
Supported by:

Aug 7, 2009
August Workshops for Leaders and Followers
TangoMalta is organising two workshops aimed at playful interpretation elements in tango. The workshops will focus primarily on the use of the offbeat, for both leaders and followers.
- Due to the nature of the different roles, the plan is to hold one two-session workshop aimed at leaders, and one two-session workshop aimed at followers.
- The workshop is open to anyone who has already taken, or is taking the Principiantes course (formerly known as Beginners II).
- The workshops must be taken in couples. Most of the work will be in the couple as you have registered. So, make sure you find someone reliable!
- Due to the nature of the workshops' content, only leaders will pay for the leaders' workshop, while only followers' will pay for the followers' workshop.
- You are not obliged to take both workshops as the same couple. However, since both workshops focus on the same musical element - the off-beat - participation in both will ensure you absorb more from the sessions.
- A milonga will be held at the end of the first workshop, and a practica at the end of the second. Entrance fee is 3 euros for each event - but free for paying participants of the workshop.
Playing with the Music: Playful Elements in Tango A Two Session Workshop for Leaders It takes three to tango - a leader, a follower, and the music. This workshop will focus the playful use of the music elements in tango walking - using pauses and off-beats to turn a walk into a passionate dance. Leaders participating in the workshop are requested to bring along a willing follower, your dance shoes and a pair of ears. We will provide the rest. Although the workshop will focus on the leaders, there is much that can be absorbed by the followers participating. When: Friday 14th August 20:00-21:30 and Saturday 15th August 19:00-20:30 Where: University Common Room Price: 15 euros for the leader. Free for the accompanying follower. For whom: Anyone who has taken or is taking the Principiantes/Beginners II course. How to apply: Leaders interested in taking the course are to find a willing (and reliable) follower and contact us with your intention to take the workshop. Milonga: The Milonga de Santa Maria will be held at the University Common Room after the workshop. Entrance is free for leaders taking the workshop. 3 euros per person for the rest of the world. |
Playing with the music - Adorni on the offbeat A Two Session Workshop for Followers This workshop will be focusing on what followers can do within the offbeat to adorn their dance. The first session will focus on the technique required and followers will work on their own. The second session will put the techniques gained into actual practice, and therefore you will need a leader to support you. When: Friday 21st August 20.00-21.30: Tecnica class - Adorni on the offbeat. (exercising alone, no leaders needed) and Saturday 22nd 19.00-20.30 - Adorni on the offbeat during the dance (Willing leaders needed to support you). Where: University Common Room Price: 15 euros for the ladies taking the workshop for both days and the practica. Ladies taking the Friday class only 8 euros. Free for the accompanying leader. For whom: Anyone who has taken or is taking the Principiantes/Beginners II course. How to apply: Followers interested in taking the course are to find a willing (and reliable) leader and contact us with your intention to take the workshop. If you would like to take the Friday session only, please let us know. Please email Nathalie to register for this workshop. Practica: The Practica will be held at the University Common Room after the workshop session on Saturday 22nd from 8.30pm to 11.00pm. Entrance is free for followers taking the workshop. 3 euros per person for the rest of the world. |
Date | What's On | Comments |
Fri 14th 20.00 - 21.30 | Leaders' Session 1 | Follower's support required |
Sat 15th 19.00 - 20.30 | Leaders' Session 2 | Follower's support required |
Sat 15th 20.30 - 23.00 | Milonga de Santa Maria | Free to paying participants, €3 to the rest |
Fri 21st 20.00 - 21.30 | Followers' Session 1 | Bring socks and shoes |
Sat 22nd 19.00 - 20.30 | Followers' Session 2 | Leaders' support required |
Sat 22th 20.30 - 23.00 | Practica | Free to paying participants, €3 to the rest |
11th August 2009: Milonga del Sur
Milonga del Sur goes to the Marsa Sports Club next week on Tuesday 11th August from 9pm onwards. We will be dancing in an open air area by the pool.
Getting there:
(A) Driving in the direction from Paola/Fgura/Airport - to Valletta:
Main entrance to Marsa Sports Club from Aldo Moro Road (the wide road opposite the Intercomp/Scan/Ventura Appliances showroom). Drive straight up road with sports ground and rugby pitch on left. Entrance to Club on left through barrier.
B) Driving from the Sliema/Qormi/Zebbug/Rabat:
Other entrance to Marsa Sports Club from near the large car park near the Horse Racing track (Near Lowenbrau Brewery). Follow narrow road with high walls either side running along the edge of race track on left /ditch and golf course on right.
Entrance to Club on right through barrier.
PARKING - Along the road as barrier requires members card (or payment to park of approx €2.00). Walk up to main entrance of Marsa Club (approx. 100m).
Straight through entrance to the pool area - Dance area on right (you will hear the music) . There is a very good open air restaurant at the club - meals/snacks/drinks etc will be available.
Tango Malta thanks Joe & Jenny for making this event possible.
Getting there:
(A) Driving in the direction from Paola/Fgura/Airport - to Valletta:
Main entrance to Marsa Sports Club from Aldo Moro Road (the wide road opposite the Intercomp/Scan/Ventura Appliances showroom). Drive straight up road with sports ground and rugby pitch on left. Entrance to Club on left through barrier.
B) Driving from the Sliema/Qormi/Zebbug/Rabat:
Other entrance to Marsa Sports Club from near the large car park near the Horse Racing track (Near Lowenbrau Brewery). Follow narrow road with high walls either side running along the edge of race track on left /ditch and golf course on right.
Entrance to Club on right through barrier.
PARKING - Along the road as barrier requires members card (or payment to park of approx €2.00). Walk up to main entrance of Marsa Club (approx. 100m).
Straight through entrance to the pool area - Dance area on right (you will hear the music) . There is a very good open air restaurant at the club - meals/snacks/drinks etc will be available.
Tango Malta thanks Joe & Jenny for making this event possible.
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