Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 7.00pm: Primeros Pasos – Tango for complete beginners. STARTING 15TH OCTOBER!
  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)
    NOTE: There will NOT be a milonga on Saturday 10th August 2024 & Saturday 17th August 2024.

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Oct 27, 2016

Milonga 29th October

Luana of course is dj ing for our halloween  milonga.29th October
We start at 9 pm till 12.30 am more or less.
stuffed pumpkin available if you get hungry.
Just for fun if you wish wear a set of ears of some sort and a tail.
Milonga fee is 4 euros please to be settled at the bar

27th Oct Milonga by MATA

Milonga tonight at Numero dos
Malta Argentine Tango Association is the organiser of tonight's milonga
See you at 8.30pm
from the kitchen .. hmmm i am still trying to decide what to cook, so may i say it is a surprise

Oct 20, 2016

Saturday Numero dos Milonga 22nd October

Nathalie's milonga this time :)
Our regular Saturday at Numero Dos
Milonga starts at 9 pm till 12.30 am
Dj Mystery  for now, that means probably it will be myself :)
Fee is 4 euros to be settled with me at the bar
the bar of course will be open and i will also prepare some food snacks
See you all

20th October Milonga

Milonga organised by the Malta Argentine Tango Association at 8.30pm till 11.30pm
Dj El Maltes
Fee to be settled with the association
The bar will be available
On the menu, goulash and chocolate balls

Oct 15, 2016

Milonga Saturday 15 th october

Hi all dj Claudia is on for tonight, come prepared to dance a lot Yey!
Unfortunately tonight I will not be cooking anything, you are welcome to bring in any food that you want with you and you share . The bar will be open  for drinks as usual.
Milonga starts at 9 pm till 12.30am
Entrance fee 4 euros

Oct 13, 2016

Milonga 13th October MATA

Malta argentine tango association are organising a milonga tonight at Numero dos
fee to be settled with Dorianne or Mario
i cooked a healthy ratatouille pasta and some oat biscuits
see you soon

Oct 8, 2016

Milonga 8th October

yippee Milonga again at Numero dos 9pm - 12.30am
I will be doing tonight
yep i am preparing some food and desert
Entrance fee is 4 euros
see ya

Oct 5, 2016

Milonga 6 th October

The Malta Argentine tango association is starting the Thursday milongas as from tomorrow 6 th October.
Start time is at 8.30 pm at Numero Dos
A bar will be available and I am cooking some pumpkin soup

Oct 2, 2016

Milonga Sunday October 2 nd

hi all yes we are having a Sunday milonga today
We meet at 8.30 pm till we are tired.
I am making a flan / pie rather rustic and with local ingredients to be served with salad . Also I think I will make some oat cookies.
Entrance fee is 4 euros  to be settled at th the bar please
Bring it on let's dance