Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)
    NOTE: There will NOT be a milonga on Saturday 10th August 2024 & Saturday 17th August 2024.

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Feb 12, 2015

14th Feb 1st year anniversary of Numero Dos

Ah one year has gone by since we opened Numero Dos. An eventful year and a happy one :) A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE MADE THIS PLACE WORK
We shall celebrate and dance lots this Saturday with sounds from DJ Bugie
Since it is carnival and valentine's day the theme is Love and Lace.
We start at 9pm (we do have a principiantes class at 7.30pm)
Fee is 4 euros as usual
Free cake after midnight.

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